Singing Guide: Lucie Silvas

Singing Guide: Lucie Silvas

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Lucie Silvas is a critically acclaimed British singer-songwriter known for her soulful and powerful voice. If you want to learn how to sing like Lucie, you need to focus on developing a strong and emotive vocal technique.

One of the unique aspects of Lucie's singing is her ability to convey emotion and connect with her audience on a deep level. To achieve this, start with Singing Carrots' course on Singing with Intuition, Skills, Emotion, and Thinking.

In terms of vocal technique, Lucie's powerful voice is characterized by her use of resonance. To learn more about this, check out Singing Carrots' article on Resonance in Singing. You should also practice active and passive breathing to improve breath control and support, as detailed in the Breathing Basics article.

Lucie's singing style is also marked by her use of vibrato. To achieve this technique, Singing Carrots recommends the exercises found in the Singing with Vibrato video.

Lucie's music often features strong, powerful ballads, such as "What You're Made Of", "Breathe In", and "Just for the Record". To learn more about ballad singing, check out the article on How to Learn a Song Effectively to help with memorizing, and the exercises in Singing Comfort Zone and Sustain Vocal for building a powerful chest voice.

Finally, Lucie Silvas incorporates a mix of pop and soulful sounds in her music, so if you're interested in this style, learn more about the classical vs pop/jazz singing style in Singing Carrots' article.

By focusing on Lucie Silvas unique vocal techniques, practicing practical exercises, and utilizing relevant Singing Carrots resources, you can develop your own powerful and emotive voice.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.